Powell 2014

Powell 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014

Will Says:

12/31/13 "You have a split on your bum."
12/1/13 "Dad, your bum wiggles.  Didn't anyone tell you that before?"
11/28/13 "Football cannot be dangerous for me. I learned it in South America. Some people drove me there one day."
10/13/13 "Dad, you know what you are talking about, and I know what you are talking about!"
10/3/13 "I know I'm not still a baby, I just grew this big. And one time I learned how to walk!"
9/17/13 "Mom, our cat is enjoying my hands."
9/1/13 (after telling him that I didn't know when Jesus would come) "But mom, I'm ready for Jesus to come now!"
8/24/13 "Dad, no one ever can believe how cool I am."
 8/6/13 "Mom, I have green witchy poo!  Because I saw a witch yesterday."
7/28/13 "Look, those are gorgeous squirrels." 
6/30/13 "When I have a smile coming up, my heart gives loves to myself."
6/21/13 Will: "Cameron hit me." Dad: "Where did he hit you?" Will: "In the love." Dad: "Where is your love?" Will (pointing to his heart) "Here."
 6/16/13 Will: "I want a houseboat." Dad: "They cost a lot of money."  Will: "We have a lot of money."  Dad: Not enough money."  Will: "Make more money!"
5/15/13 "I'm looking at this baby because he's so cute." 
5/8/13 "This is the cutest baby I ever saw.  We're going to keep him forever.  He has the right mom and dad."
5/5/13 "Shut IT DOWN!"
4/30/13 "This is the yummiest lick I ever licked."
4/13/13 "Mom, will you still be a girl after the baby comes?"
4/5/13 "Diarrhea is my favorite kind of poo."
3/26/13 "When I grow up, I want to chop stuff up.  That's super cool."
3/2/13 (singing) "And I have a dinosaur, and I ant to share my life with him."
2/17/13 Lucy: "Will, you should just wash your face." Will: "I can just wash my face with my tongue.  See!"
2/6/13 "Dad, why do dinosaurs have little thinkers?"
2/2/13 Pointing at Lucy: "That's my mermaid."
2/2/13 "Mom, did you know that I used to be funny?"
1/14/13 "I really want a yummy treat, like some bees."
1/14/13 "I just don't know what I'm saying."
1/12/13 When told we were going to the U basketball game "But I need to practice!"
12/8/12 "Jesus said I could have candy."
12/4/12 "I'm going to go find that sneaky cat.  I'm a detector."
11/30/12 "I care about you cows."
11/26/12 "Mom, when the baby comes out, we can play aliens together."
11/24/12 "Are we having Santa food?"
11/14/12 "Dad, if I drink a lot of milk, I'm going to go milk pee."
11/7/12 "Mom, Jesus said there would be no witches at Easter."
11/3/12 "Mom, is the sun beautiful and cool?"
10/29/12 "You don't say "pretty please" you say "cool please."
10/10/12 "When I grow up I'm going to hunt like you and shoot an elk like you and hang it on the wall like you and not eat it." (He thinks the antlers are the whole elk)
9/26/12 "I want to marry a transformer."
9/21/12 "I want to keep coloring so my dad will be proud at to me."
9/12/12 (Listening to Andrea's heart) "Does your heart have a song?"
9/11/12 "Chicken is my favorite color."
8/26/12 "I need some piracy (privacy)."
8/26/12 "Mom, my eyes keep turning on, off, on, off."
8/23/12 "There's poo in the light! Not dog poo, chicken poo."
8/8/12 "Mom do babies have vaginas?"
7/6/12 "Mom, don't give up."
6/5/12 "My Lucy brother said please at to you."
5/29/12 "Lucy, your clock says time for swimming."
5/15/12 "Your face tastes like strawberries and pineapples."
4/29/12 "What are your boobies for? Mine are for washing."
4/13/12 "Mom you get a real arm"
3/4/12 "Moooom, Lucy scared my bum."
3/1/12"Let that suck valentines go!!" (valentines sucker)
2/6/12 Holding up a strawberry... "It's not taste like apple pie, tastes like candy."
1/15/12 "Go sleep my truck, go sleep my fire truck station, go sleep my dump truck, go sleep my little dump truck, go sleep my roller skate, go sleep my Lightning McQueen, go sleep my Thomas, go sleep my outer space, go sleep everybody else."
1/14/12 "Hey! Get me outa here Luce"
12/11 "Words says robot movie"
12/11 "Silly Kids" directed at us not "kids"
12/11 "What that"
11/9/11 Every time we are in the car and Will realizes we are getting close to home it starts... "Not this way, that way" and worst of all "NO! not our house"
11/2/11 "My Daddy home"
11/1/11 "Mommy gimmy hug"
8/22/11 "I see"
8/22/11 Okay Dad
EAW-WA!! This is his angry word it may be a derivative of ever as in don't ever.
Hun = Mom
Te-tot-ta = Helicopter
Beebee = Blankie
Shu sho = Lucy
Sta = Star
Memo = Elmo
Baba = Bye bye
Hiee = Hi
Bebe = Baby
Tat = Cat
Boo boo = Poo poo
Dod = Dog
Sis = Fish
Dooce = Juice
Baaa = Ball
Shuzz = Shoes
Dut = Duck
Didda = Digger
TUT = Truck
Hubbas = Bubbles

Wisdom of the Learned Lucy

6/22/13 "What if blueberries were pink?  Like pigs and roses."
4/18/13 "You know that's like a fairy tale but instead it's a Jesus tale." 
12/13/12 "Mom, I think I have a case of the toots."
12/14/12 "I'm in love with butter."
10/16/12 "Do you wish you would have named me Candy?  Because my lips are so candy-licious."
9/24/12 "I have the chicken bumps."
9/16/12 "Don't leave me up here with two little kids."
8/27/12 "Happy birthday woman!"
8/22/12 "My toe is all jacked up because my band aid was on wrong. See all jacked up!"
7/10/12 "Will, those are moles on mommy's face...not owies. When you get really old, you get moles all over your face and arms and all over your body. Except your private parts!"
7/2/12 "Mom, I didn't even know I was coming to this world."
7/2/12 "Mom, my eyes are alergic to wind."
6/18/12 "Mom were you around with the dinosaurs? What were they like?"
5/20/12 "My favorite thing about my body is my tongue"
5/16/12 "How does Mom and Dad know everything about the world?"
5/14/12 "There is too much Will around"
4/21/12 "This wind feels like sugar"
4/17/12 "Mom I know all about stuff. All about the world. Like how inside trees there is sap, and if you stick your bum in too far or your hand or face in too far, you'll get stuck forever"
4/5/12 "Daddy you know what? I can talk secretly in my head!! (Me) "Oh yeah what do you say? L "Things I want to come out of my mouth"
4/4/12 "I love Hunchback of motor games it's my favorite movie"
3/25/12 "Mom, Will is screaming my whole body apart."
3/6/12 "I'm right you're wrong"
1/29/12 "You should tell Dad that ears are expensive"
1/28/12 Me: Don't you even care? "I do care, about what I want"
1/23/12 "I'm not a lady, I'm a woman"
1/13/12 "Please Mom! I've Dreamed my WHOLE life of going to a real restaurant."
1/6/12 "My bum needed some air"
1/4/12 "No William, you're too naked for me"
12/22/11 "Mom, Daddy put my favorite brother in a box"
12/5/11 "I have no idea why I love princesses so much"
12/3/11 " I don't know how this has happened but the back of my panties are all wet"
11/28/11 "I want to spit this dinner out of my life"
11/26/11 "I don't like that smell that's coming out of your mouth"
11/21/11 "I'm in your eye and you're in my eye. That means we love each other"
11/17/11 "This present keeps embarrassing my life"
11/13/11 "How is my poo, is it beautiful, does it have princesses on it"?
11/9/11 "don't forget to tell Mommy, because some-times I forget everything I say"
11/7/11 "I don't want to sing tonight, because my bum hurts"
11/1/11 "Daddy, why is all the boys gonna want to marry me when I grow up"?
10/28/11 "you're supposed to be in the kitchen...I'm hungry"
8/29/11 "Daddy you look like a fun toy".
8/22/11 "When I get old I will look very different, like you dad"
8/11/11 "I said sorry, in my head, come closer and you can hear".
6/24/2011 "My face is getting happier and happier, look at it".
06/03/2011 "I had a dream a dog and a cat got married"
06/02/2011 "Sometimes I lick my runnies"
05/03/11 "Will stand in the corner for 97 years"
5/02/11 As I am fixing our porch I hear through the sliding door. "Dad don't break our house"
4/13/11 "Duck means stop, and shark means go"
04/13/11 "8:45!!!"
04/03/11 "Daddy get me money, I really love money"
03/29/11 "You're a naughty little scamp"
03/14/11 "Rain Forest Cafe, proud sponsor of Curious George, reminding you that we can make the world a brighter place by conserving our natural resources. When you save one can, you save Toucan!"
03/13/11 "Good thinking"
03/06/11 "Okay we can make french toast, you get the toast I'll get the french... what's french?"
03/01/11 "Daddy, you kinda smell gross"
02/28/11 "My racoon wouldn't listen to me"
02/26/11 "Don't look Daddy, close your eyes for like a hour"
02/19/11 "You are not a guy, you are my dad"
02/07/11 "Mommy I had to pee in a bowl!"

02/02/11 "Did you cut you whiskers off?" "Yes is it better?" "Not really!"
01/15/11 "Daddys' not very good at making dinner"
01/07/11 "Your face is in my way"
12/28/10 "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Old McDonald is to ride in a one horse open sleigh"
12/27/10 "Not again"
12/24/10 "Mary rode a zebra to Bethlehem"
12/17/10 "I told Santa I wanted a Beauty, not christmas, Beauty and the Beast movie"
12/12/10 "Usualy angles say Hallelujah!!"
12/07/10 "You better hurry or we will have family home evening without you"
12/5/10 "Yessireee"
12/5/10 "you hate this freeking gate don't you?"
12/4/10 "I know, we should get princess toilet paper!"
"Will used a FORK today!"
"You're a mean old lady"
"Girl you just got DISSED!!"
"OK close your eyes, 1-2-3, ok now you can see"
"I really want to marry my brother"
"You smell like burritos!"
"Daddy you're our hero... and Jesus is our Savior!"
" I didn't eat my apple sauce, I didn't like it, then I realized apple sauce is for breakfast"
"You look distinguished"
Lucy calls all of us sweetie lately. "OH Sweetie" "Over here Sweetie" "OH little Sweetie"
"Arrrrr, Quack, Ahhhahhhhahhhhhh" = Bathroom business is done.
"You are the best Daddy I've ever seen in the whole world"
"Sometimes duckies eat people"
I shouldn't admit this but the other day I released an audible and Lucy muttered under her breath "body language" This is particularly notable due to the fact that as Andrea and I laughed over it latter we concluded that she made this connection after hearing the phrase in The Little Mermaid.