Powell 2014

Powell 2014

Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Hole in Her Grill

With wonder and delight our sweet Lucy slipped in the snow while ice fishing yesterday (story for another day, good times) and significantly loosened her already loose tooth, which she wiggled with her tongue until dinner, when with a yelp or two we determined to try a tug. Scarcely had I acquired purchase with a tissue and out it came.   
Observe the guilty ivory!
And out it came.
As you can see she is quite pleased with the result
Happy gappy!!!
 And now for some real fun the tooth fairy delivered a tiny letter with encouraging words and a gold coin to reward our little sweetheart!  What a clever little fairy!
The goods
The happy gappy who came running up this morning exclaiming, Mom Mom the fairy came!
My journey trying to get a good pic of the destruction... and fail
fail again...
and again...
and again...I deleted around 60 photos
Ahhhh there it is!
You can see that the photo shoot was much more painful than the tooth pull:)

Dragon Feet

These beauts are taking me places!
Or rather draggin feet.  For anyone that is curious, I have with a fair bit of accuracy stuck to my training schedule, and I am currently running toward the best shape of my adult life at the agonizingly slow pace of 6 MPH.  Now 4 weeks in, I just did a 4 mile run matching my longest run ever, with a 4 and a 5 mile run next week.  I am sure I will start feeling stretched soon. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

It costs HOW MUCH???

That's right not only was I dumb enough to sign up for a marathon I paid an undisclosed amount of money to participate.  This must prove the point my dad was always trying to get across that kids do make you crazy because B.C. (before children) I would have never paid to participate in any form of torture.

Okay enough melodrama, I am actually excited to participate in a notable form of physical exertion.  Why am I finally posting on my blog and why is it about running you may ask?  Well I just put together my training schedule for the next 20 weeks or so and it looks like I just knocked out 2 of 536.2 miles so I am well on my way:)

2 years ago you may remember that this was my first competitive race I hope to look this good in the spring:)