Powell 2014

Powell 2014

Monday, February 28, 2011

Trouble Dyeing

One time a fella was headed home from work and all was well when he conversed with the home front... 20 minutes later the mood had changed.  As it turns out two children who claim me as their father found that in an all to accessible drawer there was a plethora of food coloring dyes that did some amazing things to items one would never eat, such as finger, toes, stairs and clothes.  But me thinks when I find kids this sweet, let them dye things I can't eat!
Seriously love it.

Smurf toes
Just a little squeeze

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Notable Firsts

Inasmuch as parents (referring to Andrea and myself, of course, as I cant speak for the rest of the world) love their children, the process of growth brings much joy coupled with the desire to apply the brakes at times to slow things down.  In the spirit of these feelings we bring to you two little ones embarking on adventures of growth.  So here you witness the wonders of Lucy's first day of primary and Will's first day of nursery. SOOOO cute I can hardly believe they are mine!