Powell 2014

Powell 2014

Friday, January 7, 2011

4 Wheels, 4 Months, 4 Better or 4 Worse

Just look at those kiddos
I would be remiss if I failed to recognize the endeavor that brought a neglected 4-wheeler and boat into my possession.  Initially the intent was to flip the recreational vehicles and turn a recreational dollar.  As it turns out the boat grew on us and pending its revival it is now slated to remain a part of our family.  The catch was the sell of the wheeler to offset the retention of the boat.  So in the spirit of the D.I.Y. guy that I am I tore into the carb and had this beauty running in a few hours.  Sounds good eh?  Well it ran but not particularly well so I continued to try to improve the performance over what became four months when I had hoped for four days.  Lucy and Will loved the test drives.  In the end we were able to get it running well enough to sell it and maintain possession of the boat, where that will take us no one knows... In the end it was a project with several head aches, a couple of wheelies and generally a fond memory.  Made more fond by the lack of the wheeler =)   
Sweet little angel. (this appears to be in the road, but in fact it is on our front lawn,safety first!)

1 comment:

  1. I miss summer,but I don't miss that 4-wheeler! You are my hero. Again. Always!
